MRSi 2020: Fire & Ice: Hot Topics & Cool Technology in Reproductive Medicine
Serena H Chen, MD
Serena H. Chen MD is the Director of Reproductive Medicine, Chief Advocacy Officer at IRMS-CCRM NJ, and Division Director of REI at Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center. She is an Associate Clinical Professor at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School and Rutgers RWJ Medical School. She serves on the ASRM Technology Committee and is on the editorial staff of the ASRM journal, Fertility and Sterility, as an Interactive Associate. She is a founding member of the ASRM Social Media Special Interest Group. Dr Chen helped to found the not for profit organization – DFF – because access to IVF continues to be very poor in the United States, and is threatened by the current legal climate. DFF will be working to support the field of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (REI) and all healthcare providers' ability to treat their patients safely and effectively. DFF will advocate, educate and lobby in order to protect access to IVF and access to reproductive healthcare so physicians in America can continue to help people that struggle with infertility build their families. Please connect with Dr Chen on Instagram and Twitter @DrSerenaHChen and at Doctors for Fertility