Gary Smith, PhD

Gary Smith, PhD

Dr. Smith is a professor of obstetrics & gynecology, physiology and urology at the University of Michigan Medical School. He has served as director of MStem Cell Laboratories since the lab was founded in 2011. Dr. Smith’s work on stem cells spans and links several areas, including: Political and public policy/public engagement involving human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) Derivation of disease-specific hESCs with national and international distribution. Fostering cross-discipline collaborations using disease specific-hESCs to understand molecular mechanisms of congenital birth defects and adult diseases Practical solutions to enhance clinical utility of hESCs in drug testing and therapies From 2009 to present, Dr. Smith has worked diligently with the Michigan Department of Community Health and the University of Michigan’s Office of Government Relations in designing and implementing statewide reporting of human embryo research in relation to hESC production. Dr. Smith has been passionate and successful in disseminating information on stem cell research to healthcare professionals, scientists, political representatives, and the general public.


Oogenesis and Embryology

Saturday, March 1, 2025
10:20am - 11:30am CST